RSS Compendium Blog
Wednesday, 19. July 2006
This blog is moving

I will no longer be updating this blog here. It's new home will be, and the new feed will be

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Beta version of Attensa for Outlook 1.5

Attensa, Inc., the leading developer of RSS software for business, has introduced the free, public beta of Attensa for Outlook 1.5, the first RSS reader that helps people cut through information overload by using predictive ranking to bring RSS subscriptions and articles that readers find most interesting to the forefront

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July 2006
Recent updates
This blog is moving I
will no longer be updating this blog here. It's new...
by scotty (7/19/06, 10:51 AM)
Beta version of Attensa for
Outlook 1.5 Attensa, Inc., the leading developer of RSS software...
by scotty (7/19/06, 5:50 AM) RSS feeds RSS
feeds page
by scotty (7/17/06, 4:38 AM)
FeedBurner acquires Blogbeat FeedBurner has
acquired Blogbeat. The combined services will give FeedBurner’s 200,000 customers...
by scotty (7/17/06, 4:32 AM)
myEarthLink Reader myEarthLink Reader -
makes it easier to keep up with all the web...
by scotty (7/14/06, 8:15 AM)
Project MUSE RSS feeds Project
MUSE now has RSS feeds for all of its journals
by scotty (7/11/06, 4:43 AM)
I'M Instant Media RSS reader
I'M Instant Media - a technology company whose patent-pending software...
by scotty (7/8/06, 8:35 AM)
FeedZilla FeedZilla - Mission is
to provide webmasters and bloggers with all the tools they...
by scotty (7/8/06, 8:09 AM)
Newshutch - web-based RSS reader
Newshutch - a newsfeed reader. You tell us what websites...
by scotty (7/6/06, 7:24 AM)
Octora RSS feed search Octora
- You enter your tag and click search and it...
by scotty (7/5/06, 9:50 AM)
GreatNews RSS reader 1.0 Beta
(Build 370) released GreatNews RSS reader 1.0 Beta (Build 370)...
by scotty (7/4/06, 7:07 AM)
La Opinión - Los Angeles,
CA, RSS feeds La Opinión - Los Angeles, CA, RSS...
by scotty (7/4/06, 7:02 AM)
The Publican RSS feeds The
Publican - UK pub and bar industry magazine, RSS feeds...
by scotty (7/4/06, 5:57 AM)
RSS Mini RSS Mini -
a small RSS mini site maker. The mini site maker...
by scotty (7/3/06, 4:04 AM)
ReedLink Makes Content Distribution Really
Simple with RSS ReedLink, a vertical search engine, recently added...
by scotty (7/1/06, 5:29 AM)
MediaScooper RSS reader MediaScooper -
a new FREE service that allows you to display any...
by scotty (7/1/06, 5:25 AM) RSS feeds -
Current items in English and French are available across the...
by scotty (6/28/06, 11:47 AM) RSS feeds RSS
feeds page
by scotty (6/27/06, 6:09 AM)
PENN Medicine Newsroom - University
of Pennsylvania Health System, RSS feeds PENN Medicine Newsroom -...
by scotty (6/27/06, 6:05 AM)
Flurrymail Flurrymail - an easy-to-use
e-mail application and RSS reader that works on hundreds of...
by scotty (6/26/06, 7:36 AM)
NewsGator for Yahoo! Messenger NewsGator
for Yahoo! Messenger - "You can now view RSS feed...
by scotty (6/23/06, 6:45 AM)
The Labour Party - UK
RSS feeds The Labour Party - UK, RSS feeds page
by scotty (6/21/06, 7:03 AM)
Rich RSS Readers: best of
breed picks Rich RSS Readers: best of breed picks -...
by scotty (6/11/06, 9:42 AM)
Tristana Writer updated Tristana Writer
is an XML editor that lets you create, preview, and...
by scotty (6/10/06, 7:54 AM)
RSS Captor updated RSS Captor
updated to version 3.04 with 35 feeds related to World...
by scotty (6/10/06, 7:50 AM)

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